Laguna Talks

with Billy Fried
    A weekly roundup of what’s going on in City government. And what’s to come. I respectfully interview both sides of the table, and welcome divergent points of view, provide... More

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    On-Air Schedule

    Tuesday 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

    About the Show

    A weekly roundup of what’s going on in City government. And what’s to come. I respectfully interview both sides of the table, and welcome divergent points of view, provided they are rendered with civility and truth. My goal is to simply inform and demystify the public with what’s happening in their community. And to help them form a point of view.

    About the Host

    As the Chairman, I stay informed by exploring Laguna in my Z3 roadster or electric bike. I hosted "Laguna Talks" for a decade, focusing on listening to people's stories. Now, I oversee KXFM's program lineup and continue engaging with the community.

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